
Исламская грязь

Charity can't stop bombs!

Taji Mustafa and Bilal Abdul Kareem discuss how charity - as generous and well-intended as it is - can never stop the bombs from falling and oppression from biting!

Качества моджахида

Всевышний Аллах сказал:
“Поистине, Аллах купил у верующих их души, и их имущество (платя) взамен им Райским Садом. Они сражаются на пути Аллаха, убивают врагов и сами убитыми бывают. Это обещание, данное в Торе, в Инджиле и в Коране. А кто в обещании своем вернее Аллаха? Ликуйте же от выгодного торга, который с Ним вы заключили! Это великая удача” (Сура Тавба (Покаяние) 111)

Tunisian Hizb ut-Tahrir Member Calls to Conquer U.S., Britain, Russia, France, Italy, after Israel

Said Khecharem, a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Tunisia, said that restoring the rule of the Muslims worldwide "requires the conquest of America, Britain, Russia, France, and Italy," and other infidel lands. Khecharem, who was speaking at the International Caliphate Conference, held in Tunisia, said that this would happen "after the elimination of the filthy Jewish entity, and after liberation of the lands that are being directly colonized, like Kashmir and others." The conference was posted on the YouTube channel of Hizb ut-Tahrir Tunisia on May 19, 2018.