Pourquoi vivre ?
pour mourir!
pourquoi mourir?
pour rien!
donc la vie ne sert a rien!
et la mort?
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
1. Способствование ликвидации российского империализма на Кавказе
2. Объединение всех народов Кавказа на основе добровольности, свободы и равенства
3. Объединение антиколониальных политических сил на Кавказе в ДДК
4. Политическая поддержка Чеченской Республики Ичкерия (ЧРИ) и Сил Кавказского Фронта (СКФ).
5. Разоблачение доктрины “борьбы с международным терроризмом” в Кавказском регионе
First, you must find a dealer. This is very important because if you don't have a dealer from which to leech psychic energy, then you'll be just another mediocre crackhead. Your dealer should be smart (or at least appear as such), confident, and pursuasive. Namely: Everything you're not, that's why you're smoking crack, right?
Listen to the world, what's the fuss?
Your politics don't mean shit to us
That Skinhead girl with all her pride
Will never run, will never hide
When a skinhead walks down the street...
Every chick heart skips a beat...
When a skinhead walks down the street..
Every chick heart skips a beat..
- Я вчера
На рынке долго стоял,
Апельсинка, мандаринка,
Батарейка продавал,
Захотелось очень кушать
И закрыл я свой лоток,
Чтоб покушать шашлыка
И попить томатный сок.
Hello, folks. This is the semi-famous alt.suicide.holiday Methods File. It contains information on many different ways to take your own life. Some of them are serious, some of them are not. Hopefully, you can see which is which by yourself, but I'll try to mark them anyway.
Budd Dwyer’s Suicide is a video recorded on January 22, 1987, which depicts the suicide of the late politician R. Budd Dwyer.